Reiki Energy Healing Sessions

Reiki is a Japanese form of healing art that utilizes life force energy called by different names through various traditions such as chi, ki, or prana. It uses the same energetic pathways as acupuncture and acupressure, and is thought to be derived from Qigong. Reiki facilitates the healthy movement of energy through channels called meridians to promote healing and relaxation. It can also help to release emotional energy which has become "stuck" within the body.

What happens in a session: Beforehand, Michelle will discuss with you what your needs and intentions are for the session; be it relaxation, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing. Then she will do her own assessment for energy patterns and blocks that may need attention. The client may choose to either lie down on a massage table or sit in a chair during the session.  The client will be fully clothed.  Generally, Reiki and other energy work modalities are hands-on, with a very light touch.  Hovering hands over the body or distance sessions are effective as well. Certain auspicious points on the body will be concentrated on, never touching private areas.  In her practice Michelle will draw from her intuition, and from her knowledge of the various healing modalities she has learned.  With this being the case, each client’s session will be tailored to their needs. 

What Reiki feels like: Reiki tends to feel profoundly relaxing.  You may feel Michelle’s hands become hot, or you may feel tingling, or slight pressure sensations.  Some people describe a floating sensation and some see colors or shapes during the session.  Some people fall asleep.  Some experience emotional release and lifting of pain. There is no expected experience. 

Some outcomes to Reiki Energy Therapy that may occur are: a deep sense of peace and calm, a stronger awareness and connection to the body, the safe release of emotional blocks, better body function, and the lifting of pain.  It is a good modality for training the body to relax out of stress and tension.  It also can help a person’s nervous system come to a calm state.  For people with trauma, Reiki helps a person to gently come back to their body with feelings of safety.

Michelle has been trained to the Master Reiki level by a gifted medical intuitive in Janesville, WI.  She incorporates practices she has learned from seminars and classes in other energy healing modalities such as Quantum Touch, Qigong, and Simple Energy Technique. She also teaches mindfulness-based practices and relaxation techniques to use at home.

No-touch with hovering hands, and long distance therapy are options
